Bouquet Sensations

Bouquet Sensations is a new concept of gastronomic leisure that brings together culture, haute cuisine and emotional technology. With more than 30 experiences (Nautilus, ART, El Camino de Santiago, Gaudí, Route 66 and more), personalising content is one of its specialities.

C/ Roger de Lluria 35, 08009 Barcelona, Barcelona España

Desarrolla todo el potencial de tu proyecto o negocio con LABe.

Contact us

For Startups

An incubator of talent and entrepreneurship that promotes projects while testing gastronomic concepts in a real environment.

For Companies

A laboratory for testing tools and food products, and a space in which to develop new lines of business.

For Horeca

A space for applied technical training and professional advice in new technologies and digital gastronomy.

How the future tastes?